David Wojnarowicz (1954- 1992)

One day this kid will get larger. One day this kid will come to know something at causes a sensation equivalent the seperation of the earth from it's axis. One day this kid will reach a point where he senses a division that isn't mathematical. One day this kid will feel something stir in his heart and throat and mouth. One day this kid will find something in his mind and body and a soul that makes him hungry. One day this kid will do something that causes men who wear the uniforms of priests and rabbis, men who inhabit stone buildings, to call for his death. One day politicians will enact legislation on this kid. One day families will give false information to the children and each child will pass that information down generationally to their families and that information will be designed to make existence intolerable for this kid. One day this kid will begin to experience all this activity in his environment and information will compell him to commit suicide or submit to danger in hopes of being murdered or submit to silence and invisibility. Or one day this kid will talk. When he begins to talk, men who develop a fear of this kid will attempt to silence him with strangling, fists, prison, suffocation, rape, intimidation , drugging, ropes, guns, laws, menace, roving gangs, bottles, knives, relgion, decapitation, and immolation by fire. Doctors will pronounce this kid curable as if his brain were a virus. This kid will lose his constitutional rights against the governments invasion of his privacy. This kid will be faced with electro-shock, drugs, and conditioning therapies in laboratories tended by psychologists and research scientists. He will be subject to loss of home, civil rights, jobs, and all concievable fredoms. All of is will begin to happen in one or two years when he discovers he desires to place his naked body on the naked body of another boy.

-- David Wojnarowicz "untitled" 1990 Text accompanied by a photo image of the Artist as a young boy.

David died of AIDS in 1992 at age 37. He has a full retrospective in New York City, and he has several books pubished containing his comics, his art, and his memoirs/ Philosophies. The latter is titled "Close to the Knives; a memoir of decintagration" (and is highly reccomended reading- though is not for children, or people who don't want their pleasant little life-bubble broken to bits)